Mt. Whitney Summit 14,505 Ft
This was my first backpacking trip and it was the most beautiful experience. This hike is a total of 22 miles out and back and it definitely was a tough challenge for my friends and I. We started the hike at 2:00 am on June 3rd, 22. We reached trail camp at around 9:30 am which is six miles in from the trailhead. We had breakfast as soon as we arrived, then we set up our camp and rested for an hour or so. Around noon we started the last part of the hike which was total of eight miles out and back. Those last eight miles were the hardest just because we were already at around 12,000 Ft. It was hard to get our heart rate up again and I think it's due to the fact that we rested too long before continuing. As much as we wanted to go faster we just couldn't; you have to give your body time to acclimate in order to avoid high elevation sickness. It took us longer than expected but we were in no rush; we just wanted to get there safe. 
The Trail
This is one of the most beautiful trails I've hiked. Even though most people start this hike when is still dark, you can enjoy the views on your way back. There are several lakes you'll see on this trail which can be the perfect background for your pictures. I heard and read so much about this hike and stories of people turning back because they get elevation sickness. I was somewhat nervous about this stories just because it reminded me of the first time I hiked Cucamonga Peak at 8,862 ft and there I ended up with a mild headache, not too bad but either way that was a sign that my body wasn't used to that elevation. Before trying Mt. Whitney I hiked the highest mountains in Southern California including Mt. Baldy 10,064 Ft,  Ontario Peak 8,696 Ft, and San Gorgonio at 11,505 Ft, but still thinking about Whitney at 14,505 ft it's a little bit intimidating. The other thing that I was nervous about was staying the night on the mountains because I have never done that before and even though I've hiked in the dark early in the morning before; it's not the same as sleeping there, and I was a little bit nervous about it. 
The Infamous 97 Switchbacks 
This was by far the most challenging part of the hike as here is where most people turn back. After leaving trail camp at 12,000 ft it was hard for us to warm up our body to continue climbing. It was sunny but the wind was cold and we were wearing our jackets and gloves. Not even 20 minutes after we started going up the 97 switchbacks we got really hot so we had to stop and take off our jackets. Plus it was though for us to get our breathing under control, I honestly thought my heart was going to come out from my mouth, that's how bad it was. Finally after a few minutes struggling we got our rhythm and we just kept going, of course taking multiple short breaks just to give time our bodies to acclimate. 
The Summit
The last mile before reaching the summit felt like I was never going to finish, It just felt so long and the shelter located at the summit was nowhere to be seen; I was looking everywhere in hope to see it but no luck. 
Finally, after 13 plus hours hiking we reached the summit at around 5:00 pm. We conquered Mt. Whitney and it felt so good to accomplished something that felt impossible a few years ago. The process to get there was long and not easy at all but we did it. I am so proud of my friends for not giving up and for trying their best to accomplished this goal together. We spent about 45 minutes at the summit and then we started to head back at around six o'clock. Going back was another amazing experience enjoying the sunset and extremely happy for our achievement. As soon as we arrived to trail camp it got really dark, thank God we had our camp set up and ready. We were exhausted after a long day so we just had dinner and went to bed right after. 
Sunrise, Friends & Coffee
As I mentioned before, it was my friends and I first time doing a backpacking trip and I had no idea how wonderful it is to wake up on the mountains. Even though it was really cold we got up and made some coffee and breakfast. That coffee was perhaps one of the best coffees I ever had in my life. Having coffee with my friends on the mountain and talking about our adventure to the summit was one of the best moments of my life and I will remember that precious moment for the rest of my days.
Time to head back to trailhead. We had left six more miles to finish the hike but we knew it was going to be fast and easy because it was all downhill. Hiking back those six miles was another amazing experience as we enjoy the amazing scenery of the lakes and the unique rock formation on that area. Another incredible view was looking east, at a distance we were so delighted to admire the beauty of the Death Valley. The views of the desert were just out of this world. We also stopped to explore Lone Pine Lake and took some incredible pictures there. What an amazing experience this was and I hope I have the opportunity to do it again. 
Nevada Falls, June 17th, 21. Yosemite National Park
When you visit Yosemite National Park for the first time you literally want to stay there forever. We came across Nevada Falls on our way to Half Dome on June 17th, 21. This place in general it’s magical, you feel like if you were in a different planet and that feeling it’s amazing.
The most popular way to reach Nevada Falls is to hike via the Mist Trail. This trail is a 5.4 miles out and back and it’s rated as hard, so be prepare for some elevation gain. As this trail is so popular it might be heavily trafficked specially on the weekends, so it would be a good idea to plan an early start.
The second option to get to Nevada Falls is to hike via the John Muir Trail. It’s the same distance as the Mist Trail and about the same elevation gain, but in my personal opinion John Muir Trail has better views, so I would highly recommend to do the loop, that way you get to see both trails; plus you get to see Vernal Fall as well.
Ridges For Days
This 12.1 mile out and back hike is one of the best hikes I’ve done. Ontario Peak it’s a great challenge for any hiker and it’s rated as hard. It’s highly recommended for experienced hikers only. The incline starts at the very beginning of the hike at about 5,200 Ft. You gain a total of 3,884 Ft. Most of the trail is crowded especially on weekends, but once you reached the Icehouse Saddle it gets pretty lonely.
In August 2020 my good friend Wendy and I hiked Ontario Peak for the first time. Even though we are active hikers, Ontario Peak was a great challenge. The inclines and switchbacks were no joke and the hot weather wasn’t helping too much.
We hiked Ontario Peak for the second time with our group on February 2021. There was still a lot of snow and ice on the trail and in some parts it was extremely dangerous. There were parts on the trail that were too narrow and icy and that’s why this hike it’s extremely dangerous in winter.
At the top of the peak, the views are amazing. You can take as many pictures as you like, but pictures will never make justice for how beautiful this place is.
Telegraph Peak
Another hike for the books. Telegraph Peak was another mountain we conquered in December 2020. We were looking for a challenge and we came across this beautiful hike. A total of 14.6 miles out and back and an elevation gain of 4,885 ft was a hard challenge for our group. Telegraph Peak is a part of the group of peaks called “Three T’s Trail”. Those include Timber Mountain, Telegraph Peak and Thunder Mountain.
December days here in Los Angeles are short and gets dark at around 5:00 PM, so that’s why is highly recommended to start your hikes as early as possible when you hike in winter especially if you are planning long hikes as Telegraph.
Griffith Observatory 2019 Los Angeles CA
The Griffith Observatory is an iconic building in Los Angeles, California. You will be delight with the city view from the Observatory.
It doesn’t matter if it is morning, noon or night the views are just amazing day or night.
Griffith Observatory offers multiple attractions to choose from, including the Samuel Oschin Planetarium, the public telescope, the Foucault Pendulum, the Tesla Coil Demonstration and many more.

Griffith Park 1/03/22. 7:20 AM

If you are a sunrise lover just like I am, there is no better place in Los Angeles than the Griffith Park. Griffith Park is one of my favorite places to see the sunrise and sunset. The hike to the peak is rated as easy and to reach the peak it takes about 20 to 30 minutes from the Observatory Parking lot. 

Sandstone Peak, Malibu CA
With amazing views at anytime of the day, Sandstone Peak is one of the most beautiful hikes in the Santa Monica mountains. The hike is rated as moderate, but that depends on your hiking level. For me I can say is an easy hike if you ask me, but for some of my friends this is a difficult hike.
From the parking lot to Sandstone Peak is only 1 1/2 miles making a total of 3 miles out and back. 
Inspiration Point Malibu, CA
Inspiration Point is another great spot for taking pictures and enjoy a relaxing quiet time on the mountains. If you need a peaceful time, this is a place to go as is not crowded specially on weekdays.
Sandstone Peak Malibu, CA
If you are a sunset lover you will definitely enjoy a sunset from Sandstone Peak. I've seen the sunset from the best places in Los Angeles, and I am adding this place to my list of best places to see the sunset. 
If you don't mind hiking back in the dark for about 30 minutes, then you should come and enjoy a beautiful sunset from Sandstone Peak. 
Mountain Silhouette 
What a great experience watching the sunset from Sandstone Peak. It was like a dream of mine to watch a sunset from this particular place, and I was not disappointed at all. It was truly a magnificent experience and I can't wait to do it again. 

Yosemite National Park
When I visited Yosemite in the winter of 2019 for the first time, I was left speechless. The tunnel view was out of this world, I couldn’t believe my eyes when we drove out of the tunnel. It was my first time visiting and I was blown away by the views, it literally felt like a dream to actually be there, it felt like if we were looking at a painting. 
To Be Continued...

Cucamonga Peak, California
A beautiful sunrise in the Cucamonga Wilderness.
Sunrise at Cucamonga Peak, California
Strawberry Peak 2/12/23
The weather was perfect on February 12, 23 when my friend Brenda and I hiked Strawberry Peak. This is my second time hiking Strawberry Peak and it was as beautiful as it was the first time I went. The hike is a total of 7.2 miles out and back with an elevation gain of about 1,600 ft +.
The first 2 1/2 miles are a walk in the park, but don’t get fooled by that, the real challenge starts at the last mile. As it is mentioned in the reviews, the trail has a few false peaks and when you think you are at the peak, then another peak appears behind it. Some people turn back because they give up too soon—definitely is not for everyone, and you don’t have to be in great shape but some physical fitness is highly recommend at least for that last mile. 
In my personal opinion, when you plan to hike a place as popular as this, I would definitely recommend to start your hike as early as possible. I would suggest to start at around sunrise or before. Some of the benefits about starting at sunrise is parking—as I read on the reviews, parking on the weekends can be hectic and sometimes you have to wait to get a parking spot. Second benefit about starting early is the heat. You are hiking in low temperatures without the sun in your face, so you don’t dehydrate as fast as hiking at noon. 
Another awesome benefit is when you reach the peak—you literally have the mountain for yourself for a few minutes, so you can take pictures without any people on the background, believe me, that’s a great reason to start early. Lastly, you’ll be pretty much done bye the time the weather starts getting hot and you will avoid getting sunburn. 
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